Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 good 2 b overlooked: Richardson and D./Chase and Catalano

Terry Richardson shot some of the cast of the Jersey Shore.
Here are a few funnies.
Here is some genius (via Amanda, my friend with the goodest eye). How could you not like Pauly D? He's the cutest and he ends up with his stalker. Aw, Pauly, I heart you.

On a similar in some way note, I spent last Tuesday sick and watching Amanda's healing box set of My So-Called Life, and now look who was reunited: Angela Chase and Jordan Catalano!
It's kind of incredible how good looking Jared Leto was and still is, but his getup is tragic. I know it's his new "thing," but come on, Jared, you're like the dreamiest guy ever for my age group. Get it together! Who am I going to picture when I'm having my Catalano fantasy? I guess I'll have to default to Daniel Desario. Second best is never best.

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