Monday, December 21, 2009

Breaking News (to me) - Fox's has been sold!

I have had my string of bad luck and terrible feelings lately, but right now, I want to throw up and cry at the same time. I've heard that my beloved neighborhood bar has been sold. It was overheard that they would be renovating Fox' s for $1 million. Why, God, why???

Seriously, on top of watching Precious and finishing Sherman Alexie's Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian (which was wonderful but miserable), I think I might give up right now. The only thing anyone should change about Fox's is to bring back Allison and buy a new ceramic fox to face the back door. If that costs a million bucks then I'm alright with that. I need more information.

Please, say it ain't so!


Chris said...

Also (I know it's not a hipster dive) but Bougainvillea's is closing. Seems like night life is leaving SoMi.

But I also heard that Grove businesses are petitioning to remove the 3am cut off for alcohol. So maybe there'll be a shift?

EAT said...

Really? I used to work at Bougainvillea's. That's sad. It's such a nice space. I know the crowd leaves much to be desired at times, but the building is so homey and cute.

Man that sucks.

I'm not sure the Grove will make it back from the depths of commercialism. It's too far from the downtown or Beach scene, but who knows? I want the Grove to return to the good old days of my youth.

eldesaparecido said...

FML. When is the last day of Fox's as we know it????

Nick said...

bro, these days, $1 million doesnt buy much bro, you might not even know the difference liz bro

EAT said...

But like, Nick, bro, what if they paint over the foxes on the walls?!What if they take Patsy Cline off of the free juke box? Where does the airplane painting go? Does the plane just fly away?

I guess $1 million could put in a new parking lot. My fingers are crossed that's all that happens.

Anonymous said...

bro, just leave mini-burgers and fried zucinni on the menu and im fine

Anonymous said...

Fox's has to be upgraded because it was left in shambles. New owner knows this and perhaps got a good deal buying the building and business. They were just cheap owners and would not even purchase a nail or screw to secure anything. Water leak in bathroom, molding loose, chairs broken, rotted wood. Anything the new owner does there is welcomed, trust me Ive been going there for 35 yrs,,,its time.

Lionel Braithwaite said...

You think that you feel bad about clubs closing in your hometown? Try living in Toronto where they close down like clockwork all of the time! Downtown Toronto is about to lose The Cameron House and a hard rock/punk rock club called The Big Bop, both within two blocks of each other on Queen Street. And one area of Toronto that was just about to be known for it's great clubs has been slapped with a moratorium on any more opening by an old fuddy-duddy alderman. I share your pain.