Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ay, MiMo horny

I totally slacked on these posts, but I just wanted to tell everyone who missed out on the concert at the Upper East Side Garden for Cinco de MiMo, YOU MISSED OUT! It was awesome. They had free Grolsch, Vitamin Water and margaritas, amazing music, a great crowd, chill atmosphere, a lesbian with a MONKEY, and so much more!
Here's Nathan and Oly, jamming:
A monkey/lesbian duo was on-site:
I tried to dress up like Frida Kahlo, but this little chick kicked my ass!
Nathan, Oly and Danny L.
It's so lovely there! I think someone should have a party there and then invite me.


Jen Stark said...

What did Mickey Monday say!!??

EAT said...

Jen, I'll tell you next time I see you. It's like Juicy Fruit juicy and dirty diaper dirty.